Art History & Appreciation
Book ChoicesBook Group 2Book Group 3Book Group 4 Book Group 5Bowls (Short Mat) 1Bowls (Short Mat) 2Bowls (Short Mat) 3BridgeCreative Writing 5Cross StitchCryptic Crackers
Dance - Improvers GroupDance - Social GroupDiningFamily HistoryFilm Studies
Foreign Fare
French ConversationFrench Conversation for BeginnersGardening
GeologyGermanGerman IntermediateGourmet’s Guide to History Greek (Modern)
Historic Away Days iPad Latin - intermediate and more advancedLaughter Yoga
Lectures (Weekly)
Local HistoryMahjong in Mumbles
Maths for the not so TerrifiedMeditation
Music appreciation (Nomads)
Natural History
Painting for Pleasure Patchwork and Quilting
PickleballPoetry (Wednesday)
Qi GongQuizRamblingRambling RoversShanties & Songs of the Sea Short Tennis 1Short Tennis 2Short Tennis 3