Reading & Writing
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To see compositions from our Creative Writing & Poetry groups please click here.

Book Choices

To find out more about this Group, Email
With the subject as “Book Choices”

What we do:

Share your favourite books with others.  Bring along a book you have enjoyed or your latest read and talk about it with other keen readers.  A chance to learn about authors new to you and to share and talk about a wide selection of books.  Each month we also choose a book from a particular genre to discuss. This can be anything from poetry to sci fi. It is members' choice.

We have two spare places for readers in the group at present. Please contact me using this link - Email.

Meeting Area: Uplands  Meeting Day: Wednesday AM.

Book Group 2

To find out more about this Group, Email
With the subject as “Book Group 2”

What we do:

 We read and discuss one book each month.

We have some vacancies for anyone that would like to come and join us, please contact us using the link above.

Meeting Area: Home Based or Uplands   Meeting Day: Monday AM.

Book Group 3

To find out more about this Group, Email
With the subject as “Book Group 3”

What we do:

Now in our fifth year, the Group meets on the last Thursday of the month at 10.30 a.m. in my house (Mumbles).

There are fifteen members and we have a coffee morning plus discussion.

After experimenting with various ways of organisation, presently we take a vote on two books per month to appeal to a wide range of interests.  Members read one, or both, or just enjoy the discussion.  Choices tend to focus on recently released titles exploring a variety of authors and topics.

Meeting Area: Home Based     Meeting Day: Thursday AM.

Book Group 4

To find out more about this Group, Email
With the subject as “Book Group 4”

What we do:

We are a lively, friendly group. Our books are suggested by the group members and cover most genres. We gain much pleasure and knowledge from reading books we would not have necessarily have chosen for ourselves . Reading is such fun, especially when shared with friends.
We have some vacancies for anyone that would like to join a friendly crowd.

Meeting Area: Sketty  Meeting Day: Monday AM.

Book Group 5

To find out more about this Group, Email
With the subject as “Book Group 5”

What we do:

Our group is very informal.  Each month we choose one book to read, from a 'suggested books' list which members can add to at any time.  At our next meeting the book is introduced by the member who suggested it and we all then discuss it.  The books we have chosen have been very varied, for example from a classic such as Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' to a thriller such as 'Ordinary Thunderstorms' by William Boyd.  

Not only have we enjoyed some really good reads and discussions but have also enjoyed social events, including cinema visits and lunches.

Sorry but the group is currently full, but please email the Convenor, using the link above if you would like to join our waiting list.

Meeting Area: Blackpill.                          Meeting Day: Monday AM.

Creative Writing 5

To find out more about this Group, Email
With the subject as “Creative Writing 5"

What we do:

This is a new group  and initially the format will be similar to the other U3A writing groups in that we will have the opportunity to share our writing with other members as well as ‘hot penning’ on the day.  As the group is established and evolves we may develop our own approach.

This group is now full and has a waiting list.  If you would like to join the list or start a new group please contact us using the email link above.

Meeting Area:  Sketty     Meeting Day: Monday AM.

Poetry (Wed)

To find out more about this Group, Email Poetry
With the subject as "Poetry"

Poetry groups at U3A Swansea

  • At our meetings we read and discuss poems written both by members, and by selected published authors (contemporary and also taken from over the centuries). 
  • Poetry prompts are offered at each meeting (for members who wish to follow them) relating to poetry subject and style, aiming to us all to explore this extraordinary art form together.
  • Chosen poems are sent to Jim, the convener, before each meeting and these are made available to everyone to read on our group webpages.
  • For those who wish to share their poems they appear each month on the U3A ‘Show page’.
  • External events are shared on our WhatsApp group for both groups to attend if they wish, and informal ‘coffee and cakes’ get togethers happen from time to time throughout the year.

Meeting Area: Clyne Common                       Meeting Day: Monday AM or Wednesday AM

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