Resources In this area you will find information and links of interest
If you know of any resources that you think other Swansea U3A members would be interested in please let our webmaster know.
National U3AVisit the National U3A website for lots of useful information.
Wales U3A's Visit the Welsh U3A website for more useful information. South Wales U3A NetworkAn organisation for U3A's in South Wales.
Open UniversityThe home of free learning from The Open University.
The Open University in WalesThe largest provider of part-time undergraduate higher education in Wales.Older People’s Commissioner for Wales:The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales protects and promotes the rights of older people throughout Wales.
The Open University in WalesThe largest provider of part-time undergraduate higher education in Wales.
Older People’s Commissioner for Wales:The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales protects and promotes the rights of older people throughout Wales.
Age CymruAge Cymru West Glamorgan - In your local community.
A History of MumblesLocal history, Memories, Bronze Age Wooden Roadway and more new articles.
Mumbles War Memorials 'The Men Behind The Names,' Rolls of Honour extra information and photographs. Your Wales, Your StoryThis is a comprehensive resource for researching aspects of Welsh Life. You can also upload your own pictures, stories or research. Take a look around, but give it plenty of time!
'The Men Behind The Names,' Rolls of Honour extra information and photographs.
Your Wales, Your StoryThis is a comprehensive resource for researching aspects of Welsh Life. You can also upload your own pictures, stories or research.
Take a look around, but give it plenty of time!