This is a Members only page. If you have not logged in yet and need help you can access the Login Help page by clicking here. 

If you are logged in 'My Groups' gives you information on the Swansea U3A interest groups that you belong to. 

To see some information about what some of our groups get up to click on Groups Show Page at the to of the left hand column.

Your current groups will show in the side bar to the left.  Access your group by clicking on the group name.  There are also some groups listed that you have not specifically joined but that all Swansea U3A members belong to, the lectures Group for example. 

Your name will be listed in My Groups directories for each group you belong to.  Click on any name in a directory to be taken to that member's profile and an email facility (no email addresses are revealed). You should be aware that all emails are recorded on the website and may be viewed by the Site Administrators.

If a group you belong to is not on the side bar please ask your Convenor to send your name to the Webmaster. 

To return to this page to select another group please click on 'My Groups' from either the top menu or the Bread Crumb navigation bar in the header.
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