Renew your membership on line help To get help with renewing your membership please click here. If you get the message - Page Not Found (error 404) - click on Home and navigate from there. Where can I find an application form? Click on the JOIN US tab. Why does the website address say This is the address for our new website but googling swansea u3a or will automatically link to it as well. | Need Help Logging in? What is my password? When you first joined Swansea u3a your password we sent to you by email. You should change this as soon as possible. How do I change my password
I have forgotten my password
What is my Email address? This is usually the address you gave us when you filled in a membership application form. If you do not have an email address we will have made one up for you. If you share the same email address as your partner we will have slightly altered yours to make it unique. If you cannot remember what your address is, send your name address and phone number to the Membership Secretary |