Who can be members of the U3A? Anyone not in full time employment. Click here to join online. Click here for a printable/mailable application form. How is the Swansea U3A Organised? Into a series of groups running a number of activities. There may be one or more groups for a particular activity and there may be several levels for a particular activity e.g. a language. A typical group has one or two group organisers, who organise the group. The groups run on the basis of everyone participating and providing a contribution and the group organisers are not intended to be permanent tutors. An executive committee provides the co-ordination across all the groups and provides support to the group organisers in setting up groups and finding venues. How can I find out about an activity group? For an overview of the when, where and what of an activity, click on the Groups tab and choose the subject area of interest e.g. Creative Arts. Clicking on Creative Arts will take you to our “Shorts” page, which gives you a brief insight. If you are a member you can use the My Groups tab to Join a Group Waiting List and see a list of any groups to which you already belong. Click on the group heading in the side bar to the left to see expanded details and a list of group members. If you do not belong to any groups you will only see Outings Lectures and a few others that are open to all members. Join a group and arrange with the group organiser to attend for a 'taster' session to see what goes on. As a non-member you are entitled to 2 visits to a group before you join. Any more visits than that may invalidate our Liability Insurance. How often do the groups meet? This depends on the individual group; it may be once a week, once a fortnight or once a month, with the bias being to once a fortnight. Some groups don't meet during the school holidays. How is Swansea U3A funded? Entirely by its members. Do I have to pay for each group session? Your subscription covers the administration costs of running an organisation with more than 1800 members and the cost of national office and national mailings. Any resources used in a group activity need to be covered by the individual members of the group. Some groups also have refreshments and those have to be paid for. How much is the subscription? The current subscription is £10 per member per year. Our year starts on the 1st October and ends on the 30th September of any year. There are no discounts e.g for joining late, but new members may join from August 1st in any year, pay £10, and attend meetings from then until September 30th the following year. Part of the subscrption is an affiliation fee to the Third Age Trust. No discount is given for belonging to more than one U3A. How can I pay for the subscription? By:
The details for Swansea U3A are: | How many activities can I join? Your subscription covers you for as many activities as you would like to join. There are several groups that are essentially the same, but cater for the more people than can be accommodated in one venue. How do I start a new group activity? Contact our Group Development officer. You will be provided with further help and a hard copy of the Group Organiser's pack if you need it. Prepare an article for the newsletter on your proposed activity. What else do I get for my subscription? A weekly meeting, during university term times, at which there are speakers on diverse subjects; A monthly newsletter; A copy of Third Age Matters - the Third Age Trust magazine, published 5 times a year; Access to study days organised on both a regional and national basis A number of resouces and facilities provided by the U3A Trust that would be expensive on an individual basis; Insurances to cover the various liabilities involved in running a U3A; Copyright and Performing Rights Licences. How do I contact individual people in the U3A? Every member can be contacted by email by clicking on their name from anywhere on the site. However note that some members do not have a valid email address in which case their Profile may show other contact details. How can I find out more about the Third Age Trust? Visit their web site which can be found under Contact Us area of the Who We Are tab in the menu bar above. What qualifications are needed? No entry qualifications are required, no certificates or diplomas are awarded and there are no examinations. Who are the Group Organisers? In the U3A there is no distinction between those who learn and those who teach. Group Organisers are themselves members and are often participants in other groups. It could be you. What does one get from the U3A? The main aim of the U3A is to advance the education of retired people and to assist them in pursuing their interests within a social environment. It is run by members for its members. How do I make changes to my profile details? When you change your email address, phone number, address etc.