Welcome to the Swansea u3a Website.
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About Swansea U3A

  • Launched in 1986.
  • Your age doesn't matter, the Third Age is defined as when you are no longer in full time work (retired or semi-retired).
  • No qualifications are needed to join and no qualifications are awarded. (More information).
    We are a registered charity (No: 1039347).
We have ......

For general enquiries please
contact us using the details below:

Phone Enquiries:   07780 002262. 
(Between 10AM & 4PM.  If there is no reply please leave a message and we WILL get back to you.)

Email us at: u3aswansea@me.com.

Write to us at: 

u3a Swansea,
PO Box 779, 
Swansea, SA4 5BN.  

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