Need help logging in? You must be a member of Swansea U3A to view the Members and My Groups pages. It is simpler to log in as soon as your browser opens the Swansea U3A web site. On the Home page you will see a login button top centre. Enter your email address and password. If you do not know one or other of these follow the instructions on this page. What is my Email address? This is usually the address you gave us when you filled in a membership application form. If you do not have an email address we will have made one up for you so that you can still log in, this would have been sent to you when you first joined the U3A. If you share the same email address as your partner we will have replaced the @ with +@ in one of the addresses to make them both unique. | What is my password? You would have received your password in the acknowledgement of payment when you first joined the Swansea U3A. If you can't find your password follow the 'forgotten my password' instructions below. How do I change my password Login with your old password. Click on Change password (at the very top of the screen to the right of your name) and follow the instructions on the next screen. (Your password must be 7 or more letters and numbers long). Click on Save. You will get confirmation of the change. Click on Back to profile. I have forgotten my password If you forget your password, you can click the Forgot password link that appears beside the Login button. On the screen that appears, enter your email address and clicks the Submit button. An email will be sent to the address you entered with a link that you can click to change your password. For security reasons, the link will expire within 24 hours of the message being sent. |